Jan 3, 2016

Japanese food, OSHIRUKO - Sweet red-bean soup

Hi!! Did you have a great new year time??

There are lots foods only for new year time in Japan since we have culture not using water or knife in traditional way on new years day.

Lots of them are taste very Japanese way and maybe not nice to non- Japanese people.
So I will introduce one of them, OSHIRUKO(Sweet red-bean soup) that some my friends like today.

Please check Wikipedia if you want to know more.

If there is Japanese supermarket around your place, how about try this one today??

What you need : MOCHI(Rice cake), Boiled ADZUKI bean, water, sugar, salt

1.Put boiled ADZUKI bean in the pot, pour water.
2.Open Mochi pack and take of some. About 2 pieces for per person.
3.Put them in the deep bowl and pour enough water to cover MOCHI.
4.Put 3. in the micro wave. 2 or 3 mins in 500W.
5.Cook 1. over low heat with stir.
6.Check taste of 5. if you prefer sweeter, add some sugar and tiny salt makes better taste.
7.Take out 4. from micro wave. Please be careful for heated dish!!
8. MOCHI become soft enough, throw away hot water.
9. Pour ADZUKI soup in the bowl!!

If you need more help, check you tube from here!


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